Gandhi, Congress and the Politics of Untouchability in Tamil Nadu

Organizer: Dr. Kumar P (History)

Platform: Cisco Webex

Participants: 40

Level of Programme: Inter University (State Level)

About The Event

To commemorate the 75th anniversary of India’s Independence, the History course at the TNNLU organised a webinar titled “Gandhi, Congress and the Politics of Untouchability in Tamil Nadu” on 29 December 2021 between 05.00 pm and 06.30. pm. Prof. Raj Sekhar Basu, Professor of History at the University of Calcutta was the Guest speaker to deliver the talk on the above-mentioned topic. The participants of the programme were welcomed by Prof. V.S. Elizabeth, the Vice-Chancellor. Mr. Aakash R Nair, II B. Com LLB, introduced the speaker. 

Prof. Basu touched upon the crucial issues such as the Poona Pact and its impacts and the works of the Harijan Sevak Sang, especially its temple entry movement and other works in the Tamil region. He also pointed out the political factions within the Adi-Dravida intellectuals in the region. The webinar came to an end with the Vote of Thanks by Ms. Shugandhi D, II B. Com LLB. The total participation of the webinar was 40 among them nearly one fourth came out of the TNNLU

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