Panel Discussion on “The Works of Andre Beteille and the Analysis of Caste Structure in Tamil Nadu”

Panel Speakers: Ms. Rajeta Shuklaa and Ms. Yashoda M 

Moderator: Prof Dr. Hemalatha Bhat 

Recording Secretary: Mr. Pranav R 

Date: March 15th, 2022, 3:45 PM 

About The Event

The STAP (Suthanthira Thirunaal Amudhu Peruvizha) Sociology Panel Discussion began with a formal introduction by Prof. Dr Hemalatha Bhat to the event. The event comprised of around 18 participants. The recording secretary, Mr. Pranav, introduced the speakers and gave a brief overview of what to expect in the session. The Panel Discussion was initiated by Ms. Rajeta Shuklaa (2nd Year BA LLB), who spoke about the early life of Andre Beteiile and how he learnt under NK Bose and other prominent sociologists like Max Weber and MN Srinivas. She then went on to discuss Beteille’s research in the village of Sripuram in Tanjore in detail. Mr. Beteille’s understanding of the caste hierarchy, namely the Brahmins, Non-Brahmins and the Adi Dravidas was discussed in depth. The relationship and difference between these castes in context of places of residence, occupation, places of worship, clothing, and preferred language was explored in detail. Ms. Yashoda M (2nd Year BA LLB) then delved into the social stratification through an analysis of class, caste, and power. She explained the difference between caste and class, and how the latter is much more flexible than the former. She discussed Beteille’s theory of how modernity and democracy would play a significant role in the dilution of the caste system, and how polarization due to electoral politics adversely affected this dilution. Prof. Dr Hemalatha Bhat then concluded the discussion by giving enlightening remarks about how perspectives play an important role in sociological studies, especially with studying castes in India. She also elucidated upon the changing dynamics of caste in post-independence India. Her insight on the topic was extremely illuminating for the audience. Mr. Pranav, the recording secretary then concluded the event with his conclusion, thereby proposing the vote of thanks to sign off this successful 5th edition of the STAP Sociology Panel Discussion.