RTI Application Filing Competition

Organizer: Dr Vishnuprasad. R (Interpretation of Statutes (IOS))

Date: 24th October 2021

Time: Deadline – 11:59 PM

Platform: Online

Level of Programme: Intra University

About The Event

The RTI Application filing was an Individual Event. The problem was designed under Theme 2 of STAP: Ideas@75 –Justice. The participants were given 24 hours time for making their submission. The participants were allowed to ask a maximum of 10 questions in their RTI Application. Further, the RTI Applications were judged by Ms. Sumedha Sarkar, Assistant Professor of Law. Out of nine participants, Mr. Sagnik Sarkar from Batch of 2023 had secured Winner position, Saumya Shankar from Batch of 2021 had secured First Runner Up position and Guru Vignesh M from Batch of 2026 had secured Second Runner Up position.

The IOS STAP team was overwhelmed to witness the enthusiastic participation from the 1st year UG students and PG students of TNNLU despite the academic assignments and projects. Keeping in mind the pandemic, these events definitely proved to be a refreshing break for the participants. 

Graphical user interface, application

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Picture: Responses for the RTI Application Filing Competition