Short Film Making Competition

Organizer: Dr. Vishnuprasad. R (Interpretation of Statutes (IOS))

Date: 24th October 2021

Time: Deadline - 11:59 PM

Platform: Online

Level of Programme: Intra University

About The Event

The Short Film Making competition was a group event with an upper limit of 10 Students in a team. The topic for the competition was “Dream Indian Judiciary Note: Judicial System expected by the general public” and the same was based on Resolve@75 categorized under the sub theme “Showcasing the key targets & resolutions for future.” The total fixed runtime of the Short Film, including opening & closing credits, was restricted to a maximum of 10 minutes. Registration, Submission and all further communications were made through the team’s convener. 

Team composed of Mr Sachin Raj, Mr Ramachandran, Mr Ravi Shankar from the PG batch of 2021 secured the Winner position. In their short film the participants had wonderfully made a Tamil short film with English subtitles by stressing upon the need for the Judge to be impartial. The event sought to display the best short film as a mode of visual discourse definitely can be an instrument of social change.

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Picture: Scenes from the Short Film (Winner)